artnovum – das neue kunstmagazin +41 61 283 20 10

The art of balancing stones



«Steinmandli» they are called in Switzerland. The columns, figures, marks mostly along hiking trails in the mountains. They are useful guideposts in the Alps in foggy weather or when snow covers the red and white marks painted as markers on the ground. «Steinmandli» or «cairns» or «stone pyramids» are known for ages. Think of Stonehenge, think of the stone figures (moai) of the Isla da Pascua. Think of the Stone Tumuli and Tombs in agent cultures like Greece and  Macedonia. Alpine folks love Steinmandli. Artist Ugo Rondinone installed a giant one at Art Basel Parcours. Artist-Duo Fischli/Weiss eternized one humorously in «Plötzlich diese Übersicht». And a big sculpture at the Serpentine Gallery in London called: «Rock on Top of Another Rock». Another version of the sculpture is since 2015 placed  in the new Roche Tower in Basel. Hikers still keep on laying stones on some while passing. Artist build them along  rivers, in creeks, at lake- and seashores. Have a look and enjoy the amazing balances and extraordinary fragile artworks by mostly unknown artists. Watch this. By artist Michael Grab, Gravity Glue.

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